Family Law | Child Contact Orders

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Types of Contact Order:

You do not have to apply for a single order; you can in fact apply for a number of orders, depending on the child arrangement issues that you have not been able to reach an agreement on, and need the courts to provide and order for.

Arrangements for your child

These are known as child arrangement orders, and deal with things such as:

  • arrangements for where your child is living
  • arrangements for when your child spends time with each parent

These orders were previously known as ‘residence orders’ and ‘contact orders’, however parents who already have these orders won’t need to re-apply.

Your child’s education and upbringing

You can apply for a ‘specific issue order’ to look at specific issues for your child, such as what school they go to and whether or not they should have a religious education. It is also possible to apply for a ‘prohibited steps order’ to prevent the other parent of the child from making a decision about the child’s education or upbringing.

Applying for child related orders

Either parent, or anyone with parental responsibility can apply for a court on the above matters. Contact think lawyer today for a free initial chat discuss how we can assist you in applying for a child arrangements order.


Child arrangement orders:

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