10 things to consider when negotiating? Can a barrister negotiate for me?

IJzeren Rijn / Iron Rhine

Be it, Father and Mother. Mum or Dad. Company versus Company. Man versus Company. People in dispute sometimes need to find the middle ground. It can be difficult. We find the most difficult situations require a calm and collective mind to provide the platform negotiating. In some case, barristers are instructed to represent a person/s or companies. In turn, they are attempting to find the best outcome for their client, in some or most cases this may be the middle ground. The middle ground may arise from employing a diplomatic process. The idea is to gage both parties whilst remaining focused on the best outcome for their client.

Top Ten Things to consider when negotiating:

  1. Consider your dispute, in light of value and loss?
  2. Asses the value of the matter?
  3. What would be the worst possible outcome?
  4. Where are you willing to allow room for movement?
  5. Have I/We been reasonable?
  6. Can I/We afford to take this court?
  7. WIll the courts agree with your case?
  8. Is your case strong?
  9. What is the middle ground?
  10. Who can represent my interest and negotiate the best outcome?

Can a barrister negotiate for me?

A barrister can negotiate on your behalf. Be it, in the courtroom or prior to court. The entire system is subsequent to finding a solution. If both parties do not come to a solution the court will find one. Where one party or both parties are reluctant to find a middle ground or a peaceful solution. Seeking legal advice at this stage can provide substantial advantages. The misconception a barrister can only represent your interest court is a myth. When the ever growing the ability of a barrister. A barrister can draft letters, directly communicate with other parties and arrange a meeting to provide guidance in the midst of a dispute.

With Barristers being independent and trained to remain independent. This a huge benefit. Where the process of the court may attract a considerable cost. Initial advice with a barrister, with subsequent correspondence, may lead to a halt in aggressive or intolerable actions by another party.

In cases of child arrangements or divorce matters. The solution may be difficult. Ultimately the underlying issues may arise from trust and emotional conflicts. This is where a barrister who may be instructed directly will be able to represent you and provide you with independent advice. It is common for mothers and fathers or husbands and wives to be clouded by these issues of trust and emotional conflict.

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Negotiating (Burma)




Image Credits:

Bert Kaufmann

Greg Walters

Jos Dielis